
Nighttime Underwear

Procter & Gamble had developed a breakthrough product that provided superior wetness protection for older kids who deal with bedwetting. But most importantly, it was quieter and more discreet. So kids could feel confident going to bed and safe attending sleepovers, as well as waking up ready for a new day—versus feeling like a toddler in Pull-Ups.

Our assignment was to create a brand that spoke “cool” to kids while communicating “protection and stealth” to parents. My answer: Ninjamas.

Team: Matthew Cook, ACD/AD; Matteson Fields, CW


From Underperforming to Outstanding

P&G had an offering that underperformed for a decade in the bedwetting category for older children: UnderJams. But instead of giving up the effort, they decided to start fresh with an improved product and a new brand. I’m sure glad they did. And so are a lot of kids!


Creative disclaimer: The spot above is included to show how Ninjamas came to life, but I did not write or produce it. Colleagues of mine did, along with the animation magicians at We Are Royale. It’s pretty freakin’ Ninjawesome!